Why We're Here

Entropy is a hybrid business consultancy and agency specialising in measurement, marketing and commerce. 

Our client side, agency and data science experts work in partnership with brands to accelerate delivery against their organisations’ KPIs.

How we typically work

We are an experienced team. For example, before setting up Entropy our founder Alex Tait was Unilever’s Media and Marketing Services Director and Jim Clear used to lead eCommerce at Argos.

We typically start working with clients by developing a roadmap to unlock and accelerate profit.

However, at the same time we like to tangibly demonstrate our value by running a test over the first few months of working together to show the incremental growth we can drive for your business.

Our purpose

Our purpose is to maximise trust and accountability in commerce.

We do that by proving and improving their positive impact to our clients, the industry and the citizen consumer.

One of the ways we differ from other consultancies and agencies is by doing this for our clients at the same time as engaging with the wider industry.

We do this:

For our clients

By measurably proving and maximising marketing and digital commerce impact to accelerate growth.

For the industry

By acting as a catalyst for positive change by embedding trust and transparency between stakeholders.

For the citizen consumer

By striving for a responsible approach to marketing and digital commerce in order to minimise any negative impact on society and the environment.

We apply our expertise both to advance the interests of the citizen consumer as well as to complement the work of the key marketing and ecommerce industry trade bodies.

Some examples of initiatives we’ve worked on are:
  • Developing Dynamic Marketing Mix Modelling, a new form of econometrics to service brands focussed on digital commerce.
  • Working with all stakeholders in the Out-of-Home industry, including ISBA and Outsmart, to resolve a long-standing perception of issues with OOH measurement by developing its measurement gold standard.
  • Developing the first guidelines globally for trading on viewability in partnership with ISBA (so advertisers don’t pay for impressions that their prospects or customers don’t see).
  • Entropy’s founder Alex Tait co-founded a separate not-for-profit organisation, Reform Political Advertising, that campaigns to bring electoral ad regulation into line with commercial advertising, with rules to prevent misleading claims. Reform Political Advertising is now supported by several UK political parties.
  • We were a founding partner of the Conscious Advertising Network, which has come a long way since a handful of us in a room worked through its launch manifesto for an ethical approach to advertising. Landmarks have included two presentations to the United Nations.
  • We’ve also launched and co-founded several initiatives to increase diversity in the eCommmerce and Marketing industries.

We are a consultancy led by values and purpose.

We established ourselves early in 2017 with the aim of putting the trust back into marketing. When we started, this struck a number of people as rather novel. With hindsight, however — given the trade and wider press coverage the issue has received — it has been on the money. A number of multinational companies started talking about the subject in 2018, and it was the main topic of most of the major industry conferences in 2019.

Read more about what we are up to on our blog:

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