Download our free marketing and sales planner

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We’ve put together a practical planner that you can download for free here.

It sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? In many ways it is. We’ve certainly tried to design it that way. In our experience there are many businesses out there that could be a lot more effective with a more structured approach to planning.

That goes for larger FTSE companies through to scale-up Direct-to-Consumer businesses we’ve worked with.

We originally designed the planner for some of the latter, but it is certainly applicable with a little adaptation to most eCommerce-focussed businesses.

By adapting it to your business you should be able to:

  • Have a more holistic approach to co-ordinating your organisation’s marketing and sales activities locally, nationally and internationally
  • Plan across the short, medium and long term
  • Remain agile by incorporating scenarios and planning for agility.


The Time of Covid has introduced much more unpredictability into business planning. We quite like what the CEO of a FTSE company heavily impacted by the lockdown restrictions said recently. She remarked, not at all facetiously, that it has been essential to do lots of planning this year but not to have a Plan. By that she meant her business has adopted a quarterly approach to planning as the cycle of lockdowns played out.

Let’s hope we are coming out of Covid now, but you could certainly take that approach too if it seems appropriate.

If you’d like to discuss how you can adapt this tool to your organisation’s requirements please let us know. We’ll be happy to discuss it with you. We love this sort of stuff.

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