How to choose the right ecommerce tools to improve your customer experience

In an ever expanding landscape of ecommerce customer experience technology and tools it can be challenging (and time consuming) to cut through the noise and choose the right technology for your business. 

At Entropy we look at 8 key areas as the foundational pillars for customer experience success.  

Pillars of Customer Experience

These pillars allow the fundamentals of your ecommerce business to run smoothly and efficiently whilst helping to optimise your customer experience. At the heart of your CX stack is your ecommerce platform which provides the core functionality to run your online store. Choosing the right platform before embarking on building a CX technology stack is vital in ensuring your tools are compatible. 

Once you have chosen your ecommerce platform you can begin the process of building your stack. At Entropy we take a strategy first approach and follow this 6 step process:

Digital Commerce Vision

Defining your wider ecommerce vision as a start point to enable future requirements.

Digital Commerce Strategy

Translating the vision into definable steps to create a strategic programme.


Auditing your existing stack to help you understand which tools are valuable to your business, which could be further optimised and which should be replaced.

Selection and Procurement

Gathering requirements within your business, undertaking market research, gaining budget and running a procurement process.

Go Live

Implementing the tools and going live.


Gathering data and optimising your new stack.

Unlike most agencies and consultancies we don’t have commercial relationships with any of the ecommerce technology providers. The only motivation our client and agency side digital commerce experts have is to work as part of your team to accelerate delivery against your business KPIs.

So get in touch if you want some impartial advice on the business benefits of improving your CX and how you can go about it.

Get in touch to discuss how we can accelerate your growth.

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